Young Company


The Young Company presents the legendary Act IV Cabaret COWrantine Edition. April 2020


Develop Your Character

The Weston Playhouse Young Company is composed of  Non-Equity actor/singer/dancers who are attending, or no more than one year beyond graduation from a conservatory or undergraduate training program. The Young Company program provides performance training and experience and a forum for sharing the expertise of Weston-related theatre professionals through a series of workshops, discussions and interactive exercises.



Auditions for the Weston Young Company are limited to affiliated BFA musical theatre programs, including:

  • Baldwin Wallace University Conservatory

  • Boston Conservatory

  • CAP21 Musical Theatre Conservatory

  • Cincinnati Conservatory of Music at the University of Cincinnati

  • NYU New Studio on Broadway

  • PACE Musical Theatre

  • University of Michigan Musical Theatre

    *At this time, it is not possible for us to consider candidates outside of these programs, and we are not able to accept or acknowledge submissions by mail, online, or video.

About the YoCo


Summer Residency

Young Company members spend the bulk of the summer season in residence at the Playhouse. The summer of 2019 “in residence” dates are from May 28 to September 2 (flexible for students returning to school).

After-Hours Cabaret

Young Company members perform in all after-hours Cabarets during their summer residency. The YoCo spends approximately two hours per day in cabaret rehearsal on non-matinee days.

YoCo Show

This summer the Young Company members will be performing in the annual musical for young audiences at the company’s Weston Playhouse at Walker Farm.


Equity Points

All Young Company members will also perform in a musical on our Equity Main Stage (to be announced). YoCo members earn Equity Membership Candidacy points for all Main Stage rehearsals and performances.

Main Stage work may also involve some backstage and/or shift responsibilities.YoCo members are assigned to strike duties for all Main Stage productions, under the supervision of the technical staff.

Production Work

In addition to cabaret rehearsal commitments, Young Company members have various responsibilities for maintaining the cabaret space and its production elements (props, stage area, backstage, lighting, etc.). This cabaret production work will be scheduled whenever possible during times of light rehearsal responsibility for the YoCo and Main Stage productions.

Creative Growth

Once they have opened the Main Stage musical and second cabaret of the season, YoCo members benefit from up to 6 hours of workshops, instruction, and discussion sessions a week as as their schedules permit. These sessions are coordinated by Artistic Associate/Education Coordinator Rachel Liff and usually include master classes with Weston-related theatre professionals such as composer Andrew Lippa and voiceover artist Jennifer Server.